River X
This past weekend was the yearly trip to River X with a group of my high school and college friends. Due to school commitments I haven't been able to make it the last several years but I made sure to block out the time this season. Also a bonus, one of my brothers was able make his first trip since he just came home from college in time to enjoy the awesome weather, scenery, and some fishing.
We were able to get in 3.5 days of fishing and 4 nights of campfire talk, which was a much needed break at this time. The meals were phenomenal and the camaraderie was vulgar as usual.
Overall the fishing was slower than we are used to but we have been pretty spoiled in the past. Still a good number of fish were caught and it was a great time on the water.
We were able to get in 3.5 days of fishing and 4 nights of campfire talk, which was a much needed break at this time. The meals were phenomenal and the camaraderie was vulgar as usual.
Some amazing views on the river
Big fish of the trip
Couple shots of my brother. He really seemed to have a good time.
Mexican Train played by the campfire
A TKO plug
Overall the fishing was slower than we are used to but we have been pretty spoiled in the past. Still a good number of fish were caught and it was a great time on the water.
Hope the watershed bounces back after all the crud washes down over the next few rainy seasons. Always wanted to make it up there, but waited just a little too long.