As a way of introducing our kids to hunting, the last 3 years Jay and I have brought either our daughters or sons with us during the spring Javelina hunts. The first year we did this it was our daughters, then last year it was our then almost 4 year old sons. This year Rob, Jay, and I hunted opening weekend with our friends Chris and Aaron and their 2 boys. Jay and I had our 2 boys along as well. That made it 5 adults and 4 boys between the ages of four and a half to 5 years old. We had a great weekend in the desert with the boys hunting Javelina.
Aaron was able to fill his tag opening day. Chris came close to filling his also that first day. We also left one lucky pig up in the mountains. A number of arrows were flung at another Javelina that we saw Saturday, but since what happens in pig camp stays in pig camp, I won't divulge how many arrows were actually flung at that pig and by whom. I'll just say that pig has got to be the luckiest Javelina in the unit, if not the whole state.
In order to venture further from the truck, Jay and I had Conner and Ryan hike up a little hill to get a better view in hopes of spotting some pigs in the same area we'd seen them opening day. The boys did great and made it up and down without any complaining or needing to be carried. They were both rewarded with some shed antlers that were found up high.
View from the ridge top. The ranger is in the saddle down below... |
The boys with Aaron's pig |
Aaron and Andrew with the pig |
Glassing by the road |
Enjoying the ride! |
Campfire fun! |
Around the fire |
Jay and Conner with one of the several antlers that were found |
Sacked out! |
Mobile jungle gym |
Tired, but afraid to miss something... |
da boyz |
Discussing the plan |
Even though we only filled one tag, it sure wasn't from a lack of flinging arrows, and it was worth it to expose the boys to a weekend of hunting and camping fun. All the boys had a great time and it was worth the extra effort to ensure they caught the hunting bug!
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