Sitka Gear Review

As mentioned in the previous post about my thoughts on technical hunting clothing, this post is essentially a review of the Sitka Gear clothing pieces that I own.  I didn't want to bore everyone with a long drawn out post on the inherent qualities of a hat if someone is only interested in the Mountain Pants.  I have broken out the Sitka Gear items by category (shirt, pants, jacket, etc) and then listed out each item and included weight, pros, cons, and comments/thoughts on the individual piece of gear in a table format.  I am calling this my Sitka Gear Matrix.  (When I have had a chance to fully utilize and test out the KUIU clothing I have, I'll add it to the spreadsheet for comparison to the Sitka Gear.)

My thought is that this matrix can help out someone who is interested in buying a new piece of Sitka Gear, or possibly picking up a used piece off of eBay and wanting to read a review of the item before they buy it. 

Click HERE for a link to the Sitka Gear Matrix which will bring up a spreadsheet of the below screen capture images from the spreadsheet.

Glossary of Terms: MM1.0=Mountain Mimicry 1.0, MM2.0=Mountain Mimicry 2.0, LT=Large Tall, OSFA=One Size Fits All

Pictures of Sitka Gear in action:
90% Jacket (MM2.0)

90% Jacket, Celsius Vest, and Celsius Beanie in MM2.0
Ascent Pants and Core Zip Shirt in MM2.0
Sitka Mountain Pants (2010) in Optifade

Sitka Mountain Pants (2010) in Optifade
Sitka Mountain Pants (2010)
Celsius Beanie, 90% Jacket, and Jetstream Gloves
Mountain Pants and Core Vent Shirt in MM1.0 and Celsius Vest in MM2.0

Jetstream hat (Optifade), 90% Jacket (MM2.0), 2010 Mountain Pants (Optifade)
Optifade Core Crew shirt
Optifade hat and Jetstream Jacket

Core Vent Shirt (optifade) and Optifade Hat

MM2.0 Hat, 90% Jacket in MM2.0, Ascent Pants in MM2.0

MM1.0 Mountain Pants and Core Vent Shirt, MM2.0 hat, and Shooter Gloves

MM2.0 hat, Optifade Traverse shirt, Ascent Pants in MM2.0, and Shooter Gloves

2010 Mountain Pants in Optifade


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