New Pack(s)
As I've professed before, I'm a gear junky at heart, and further more, a pack junky. For the last several years, I've searched for the 'perfect' pack. I've owned and sold numerous hunting packs. A few years ago I heard of Mystery Ranch pack company, owned by Dana Gleason, the same man who started (and later sold off) Dana Designs. Being familiar with Dana Designs packs, yet never owning one, I was excited to learn more about Mystery Ranch packs.
It took me a few years, but I finally decided to pull the trigger on a Mystery Ranch pack. Upon hearing that they were producing some packs using the Gore Optifade camouflage pattern, I decided to hold out and order my pack in that pattern. Of the many pack choices to choose from, I chose to go with the NICE Frame and Crew Cab bag, but after continual research, I really wanted to try a Longbow bag as well. The NICE frame system allows you to attach multiple pack bags to the same frame. The frame is neither an external or an internal frame, but probably more closely resembles an internal frame.
NICE Frame

Crew Cab pack
Opened up Crew Cab (1900 cu in - 5000 cu in)

The Crew Cab shrinks down to daypack size and expands out large enough to carry multiple days' worth of supplies for a backpack hunt.
Longbow (2200 cu in)

Below is a picture of the Longbow opened up. It has numerous pockets inside allowing gear to be well organized.

After much anticipation, my packs finally arrived. My first impressions of the packs were that these would be darn near indestructible, and would probably be able to carry more than I am able to carry. I haven't had the pack(s) for very long, but my first impressions are that they will make great hunting backpacks and will be able to comfortably carry any load that I can handle. My biggest dilemma will be when to use which pack.
I've taken my Crew Cab archery turkey hunting where it managed my turkey gear and Double Bull ground blind with no problem. Since getting my Crew Cab, I've loaded it up with upwards of 75 lbs and did a one mile 'hike' on the treadmill at varying speeds and inclines. The pack was heavy, but very comfortable. I didn't have any discomfort or other issues while carrying that load. My normal treadmill hiking load is 50 lbs and the pack of course carries that wonderfully also. Of course the real test will be when my Crew Cab is loaded down with elk meat this fall.
I've only recently received my Longbow, but used it this past weekend while shed hunting and scouting with the family. Both experiences were positive and have me looking forward to using my pack(s) for the multiple hunts I have planned to participate in this fall. The pack is spec'd at 2200 cu inches, but it swallows a load. I was able to load it up with everything I'd carry on an overnight trip (sleeping bag, pad, tent, stove, pot, bowl, food, etc) and have no doubts I could easily go 2-3 nights with this pack. Hopefully I'll be able to test that out soon.
Here I am out with the family shed hunting and trying out my new Longbow pack.

Soon after receiving my Mystery Ranch backpacks, I entered a contest on the OYOA (On Your Own Adventures) / Hunt Talk forums and won a $200 Mystery Ranch gift card. Needless to say, I was very excited! It didn't take long for me to spend it and have some more Mystery Ranch goodies sent my way.
I ordered the Daypack Lid in Optifade, a pair of Optifade Longbow accessory straps, a 102 oz Camelbak bladder, a Flip Top Box (accessory pouch) in Multicam, and a Mystery Ranch T-shirt.

The Daypack Lid completes my Crew Cab and give it a bit more functionality. The Daypack Lid gets its name from the hidden pack straps that allow it to be used as a small daypack.

I really like the fact that my 15x binoculars fit in the pocket(s), allowing quick access to them. Here is a picture of the Daypack Lid attached to the Crew Cab pack. (Both are empty and cinched down.)

Once I have a chance to use and evaluate these packs a bit more, I'll be updating the Pack Matrix with the pros and cons of these packs. I am very excited to use these packs in the field and let everyone know my overall impressions of them. So far, the outlook is positive, but time and use will let me know for sure.
It took me a few years, but I finally decided to pull the trigger on a Mystery Ranch pack. Upon hearing that they were producing some packs using the Gore Optifade camouflage pattern, I decided to hold out and order my pack in that pattern. Of the many pack choices to choose from, I chose to go with the NICE Frame and Crew Cab bag, but after continual research, I really wanted to try a Longbow bag as well. The NICE frame system allows you to attach multiple pack bags to the same frame. The frame is neither an external or an internal frame, but probably more closely resembles an internal frame.
NICE Frame

Crew Cab pack
Opened up Crew Cab (1900 cu in - 5000 cu in)

The Crew Cab shrinks down to daypack size and expands out large enough to carry multiple days' worth of supplies for a backpack hunt.
Longbow (2200 cu in)

Below is a picture of the Longbow opened up. It has numerous pockets inside allowing gear to be well organized.

After much anticipation, my packs finally arrived. My first impressions of the packs were that these would be darn near indestructible, and would probably be able to carry more than I am able to carry. I haven't had the pack(s) for very long, but my first impressions are that they will make great hunting backpacks and will be able to comfortably carry any load that I can handle. My biggest dilemma will be when to use which pack.
I've taken my Crew Cab archery turkey hunting where it managed my turkey gear and Double Bull ground blind with no problem. Since getting my Crew Cab, I've loaded it up with upwards of 75 lbs and did a one mile 'hike' on the treadmill at varying speeds and inclines. The pack was heavy, but very comfortable. I didn't have any discomfort or other issues while carrying that load. My normal treadmill hiking load is 50 lbs and the pack of course carries that wonderfully also. Of course the real test will be when my Crew Cab is loaded down with elk meat this fall.
I've only recently received my Longbow, but used it this past weekend while shed hunting and scouting with the family. Both experiences were positive and have me looking forward to using my pack(s) for the multiple hunts I have planned to participate in this fall. The pack is spec'd at 2200 cu inches, but it swallows a load. I was able to load it up with everything I'd carry on an overnight trip (sleeping bag, pad, tent, stove, pot, bowl, food, etc) and have no doubts I could easily go 2-3 nights with this pack. Hopefully I'll be able to test that out soon.
Here I am out with the family shed hunting and trying out my new Longbow pack.

Soon after receiving my Mystery Ranch backpacks, I entered a contest on the OYOA (On Your Own Adventures) / Hunt Talk forums and won a $200 Mystery Ranch gift card. Needless to say, I was very excited! It didn't take long for me to spend it and have some more Mystery Ranch goodies sent my way.
I ordered the Daypack Lid in Optifade, a pair of Optifade Longbow accessory straps, a 102 oz Camelbak bladder, a Flip Top Box (accessory pouch) in Multicam, and a Mystery Ranch T-shirt.

The Daypack Lid completes my Crew Cab and give it a bit more functionality. The Daypack Lid gets its name from the hidden pack straps that allow it to be used as a small daypack.

I really like the fact that my 15x binoculars fit in the pocket(s), allowing quick access to them. Here is a picture of the Daypack Lid attached to the Crew Cab pack. (Both are empty and cinched down.)

Once I have a chance to use and evaluate these packs a bit more, I'll be updating the Pack Matrix with the pros and cons of these packs. I am very excited to use these packs in the field and let everyone know my overall impressions of them. So far, the outlook is positive, but time and use will let me know for sure.

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